Changes to Upstream's DAO Product
Truth Arts, fka Upstream's public DAO product is being sunsetted and the technology will be turning inward as proprietary tech for the Truth community.
As part of Upstream’s merger with Truth Labs to form Truth Arts, Upstream's public DAO product is being sunsetted and the technology will be turning inward as proprietary tech for the Truth community.
The DAOs on the platform that are related to the Truth ecosystem (Illuminati DAO, Pyramid DAO, Gob DAO) and DAOs created by select Truth community members will be able to continue using the product.
We understand this decision will impact our DAO users greatly and it’s not one we took lightly. Both myself and our Head of Community, Monica, will be working closely with the founders and members of the non-Truth DAOs on Upstream’s platform to ensure they are off-boarded smoothly.
This change will not take effect for 30 days. During this period, we are here to help you with any questions or concerns.
You can reach our team by emailing for immediate answers to your questions. Monica, our Head of Community, is also happy to help.
Alex Taub
CEO of Truth Arts