Truth NFTs: Available on Magic Eden, No Longer Available on OpenSea and Blur

We are proud to announce that Truth Arts is a launch partner for Magic Eden’s new ethereum marketplace

Truth NFTs: Available on Magic Eden, No Longer Available on OpenSea and Blur

We are proud to announce that Truth Arts is a launch partner for Magic Eden’s new ethereum marketplace

What Does This Mean For Me? 

Magic Eden will be the only marketplace (besides our own) where you can purchase any Truth Arts NFTs on the secondary market. 

As of this morning, select Truth Arts NFTs (ERC-721s) have been removed from OpenSea and Blur. 

You can find the Truth Arts collections at the below links:

Why Move to Magic Eden? 

In getting to know the Magic Eden team over the last few months, we’re deeply impressed with their dedication to creators and their establishment of the Creator Alliance to work with creators to enforce royalties. 

All Truth Arts collections will continue to have a 5% creator fee on any secondary sales. 

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